I used to think Pelicans were harmless. A little goofy in the way they waddled and kami kazied into the water as they went after their food but harmless nonetheless.
That was before I knew their true nature . . . greedy. . . sneaky. . .evil. The day was a wonderful day for fishing but it went down hill fast and it all started with a pelican. No sooner had my Honey cast his line, braced his pole against the rail, when out of nowhere this bird swoops down trying to get to his bait and he catches the line dragging the pole into the water. . .the deep. . .deep. . .water. We were stunned!! The brand new rod and reel. . .his pride and joy. . .sunk!
Our Guardian Angels must have been with us again on that day because an elderly fisherman was packed and ready to leave and he stopped to see if he could help. He cast out his line and it took four tries but he snagged my hubby's line and my Honey was able to grab the line and retrieve his rod and reel.
Once the relief of having the rod and reel subsided another concern took over -- salt water and mechanical things don't jibe -- they will rust in a matter of no time. My hubby began to seek advice fast. We met up with Eddie from Wisconsin -- he was quite an avid fisherman and knew a lot about that sort of thing. We took his advice and went to Lowe's and bought some silicon spray. Eddie swore by it. He said he'd been using it on all of his tackle gear and everything still worked great after months of fishing.
We ended up taking the advice of a fishing pro who services rods and reels. Instead of the silicon spray my Honey used reel grease applied with my favorite Sonia Kashuk angled eye shadow brush. I felt it only right that I make the supreme sacrifice and contribute to maintenance of the reel.
Well now we had a good can of spray silicon and I was ready to try it out. We did on several items and I will admit that it worked like a charm. Once we snowbirds get back to our nest up north I have plenty of things around the house that could use a good squirt. . .scissors. . .hinges. . .knobs. . .
Note: I have not been paid by anyone to endorse this product. This is solely my opinion.