Have you ever walked into a store and been so overwhelmed . . . .
. . . . so in awe . . . .
. . . .you don't remember any particular item?
You just stand there and try to take it all in . . . .

. . . . but it's almost impossible to see everything. I wanted to find out more about the Maiolica craft . . . . I wanted to talk to one of the artists . . . . I wanted to buy the store out.
But . . . .{*deep mournful sigh} a thimble wouldn't have fit in our overloaded suitcases. . . . I regretfully left the shop empty handed.
It wasn't until later . . . . when we were going through our photos . . . . that we noticed the sign! {*ARRRRGHHH} But it was too late . . . .
. . . . we were already in a different town . . . .far away. When surrounded by such wondrous sights
who looks at the floor!!? 🙁 The sign was all but hidden. . . . .what a missed opportunity!!
Perhaps we could've had our own castle . . . .
. . . . and with our castle we could've had our very own custom dinner sets . . . . the pottery could've been traditional . . . .
. . . . or whimsical. We could've let our imagination take flight . . . .
. . . . how much fun that would've been to design plates with roosters . . . .
. . . . or fish. We could've seen flowers blooming every day . . . .
. . . . or playful animals scampering about . . . .
. . . . fish swimming . . . . and angry dragons breathing fire. Our choices would've been endless. . . .{*sigh}
. . . . but . . . .
. . . .all is not lost . . . .
. . . . I found out . . . .
. . . .that practically right in my backyard . . . .
. . . .I found someone . . . .
. . . . .someone who makes all of these things . . .
. . . .and more.
Her name is Susan Snyder and I met her some years back and didn't even know that she was a talented artist. Susan studied in both Faenza, Italy and in Bloomington, Indiana. She teaches children and adult classes . . . . besides creating her one-of-a-kind pieces, or the more traditional style, she'll make whatever it is you want. Her website is called Susanna Italiana Pottery. To read more about her and her beautiful pottery and to find out how to contact her click here. I'm sure you'll be as impressed by her talent as I am.
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